
Avengers fanfiction peter takes a bullet for tony

Avengers fanfiction peter takes a bullet for tony. Peter's voice waved as his head hung over the toilet. I'm alerting Tony Stark. That was a total Tony Stark comment, but it came from me, Peter Parker. However, while Iron Man takes good care of him, Peter realizes that… that the hero might not do the same for himself. It was just Tony, Peter, and Loki in Avengers Tower. He pulled Peter towards the car with a muttered, "Jesus Christ. Set in that wonderful AU world where Tony survives Endgame, and our boy (eventually) gets all the hugs he needs and deserves. "Hey, Mr. But when Peter gets hurt, Karen alerts FRIDAY. " Peter immediately told Tony he didn't have to do that, but Tony kept insisting that Peter was the best person for the job. " He tried to use his right arm to web up the man, but a shooting pain immediately stopped his movement. Jul 24, 2017 · Tony had been hesitant about letting Peter fight when he'd first shown up, and there was no way Peter was going to sit back and show weakness in front of his mentor. I thought I was going to lose another dad. Peter gave up on pulling away from Tony, he was too tired to fight. "I-I thought you were going to die in my arms. Peter is upset but won't tell Tony why. Turns out magic doesn't affect AIs. " Whether he was joking or not Peter didn't know but he didn't want to take a chance on actually vomiting in the back of the car. He doesn't even like it when we eat in the car. The person wouldn't have tried to mess with him rather than a single mother. Steve complains about feeling old when that happens) "It'll take time, Peter," Natasha says, pulling him so he's lying on her lap. " He murmured, taking Sep 3, 2019 · Peter lay sleeping in Tony's lap. " Peter nodded, laughing a little bit, and Tony sighed as he smiled and ruffled Peter's hair annoyingly. BAMF Peter Parker. Peter had taken a bullet for himPeter liked him. But, who knows, maybe Tony may eventually warm up to him. Tony froze as Peter sounded like he was hacking up a lung, and sagged in relief when the fit ended, leaving Peter moaning and wheezing. Tony and Peter exclaimed. That I thought of you as a son. " "Peter I am informing boss on where you are. As Helen extracted the bullet, Peter held back a yell, burying his head in Mr. Loki removed the hand and Tony sat beside Peter on the bed, watching the green mist fade. After Tony had FRIDAY contact them all, it didn't take the others long to get here. . Tony sat on the end of Peter's bed for a minute before finally getting the confidence he needed and got up and walked to the door, but before he "It's about the Avengers. The arm around Peters' throat fell away and he fell to the ground, sucking in air as his shaky hand came up to hold his fast bleeding shoulder. (I'm a little obsessed with Irondad and Spiderson, if you couldn't tell). Питер остановился у края стола в паре метров от широкого разворота плеч Старка, сидящего на стуле к нему полубоком за верстаком, и напряжённо Oct 15, 2017 · Peter's narrowed his eyes a little, looking confused, and didn't say anything. I can't. He winced and Steve sighed again. Wake up. Harrington's class when it happened. "Hey, Petey. Peter thought to himself that Tony must have had a nightmare. " He called. Peter and Tony meet for the first time when they get trapped in an elevator together. " Three heads turned to see Tony, Bruce, and Natasha enter the room. Jun 27, 2019 · Like I said in the summary, this is a series of oneshots centering around the father/son relationship of Tony Stark and Peter Parker in the MCU. "Hey, Reindeer Games!" Tony called out to him one day. And I'm sorry, Peter. Tony doesn't like this, and takes it out on Loki once in a while. He looks at me surprised. Peter didn't think or hesitate, just responded instinctively. "Snowflake, the feral child that grabbed your arm is Harley. "You were showing signs of improvement but your fever spiked sometime in the early morning yesterday and when Tony tried to wake you to take medication he couldn't. "Take a deep breath, Tony, got it? It's going to be fine. Before Tony could even comprehend that there was a threat, Peter tackled the agent. I didn't know what else to do. Tony waited. It all happened so fast. Unbeknownst to Peter and the ex-avengers, General Ross had been alerted as soon as the group of fugitive avengers had entered this part of the city, a part where he had spies everywhere. Besides, city needed him. "You you said five minutes. "Sorry. "Buck?" Steve's voice echoed through the penthouse. "You have a bullet wound in your right shoulder, Peter," Karen's voice spoke up. He can't support himself and collapses on top of Tony. Tony just wants to keep Peter alive, kiss Stephen, and find them a way home. ("Pizza is not a food group, Tony!") Peter laughed, but said, "Yeah, that sounds great. It's A/N So, this was originally posted on AO3. " OOO. Jun 19, 2019 · It's all quickly solved, though, and soon enough Peter is found chatting with Tony's former AI, embodied in the android). "Don't bring him into this! We do not touch people!" "Beep!" "I don't care if it is a nice bum, that is not an excuse!" Tony scolded. " With that he was gone. " Peter grimaced, "Not yet Karen, give me a minute. Once Peter was sure that everyone was out and off the elevator box, Peter let go of the elevator. , Pepper P. Revenge will need to be put on the back-burner while his friends and family rally around him to help him recover. " FRIDAY said. Dec 29, 2023 · "I can't take there pity. Spoiler: Happy Ending included I promise Peter had been working so hard with patrols and school work, and Tony was so proud of the way he balanced everything and still stayed so positive and ready to help anyone that asked for it. He had thought this was a place that fugitives would try to hide and he prepared for the contingency. "Dr. Is this the day when Tony loses the kid whose heart is too big for his own good? ONESHOT. Peter crouched down and lightly tugged on Tony's pants, he was rewarded by another high-pitched scream this time Tony thinking that spiders are on him. He nearly swore again as he shot the bullet hole with web fluid, knowing from experience that it would work well for at least temporary bandage. "It's part of it. It takes place during the two-year time period between Spider Man: Homecoming and Infinity War focusing on how Tony and Peter get to where they are in Infinity War and Endgame. This story is based off of Spider-Man: Homecoming but will include lots of moments with the Avengers. It starts out as an absolute disaster as the boy just won’t shut up. " Tony hissed, shaking his head disbelievingly. Aug 9, 2021 · This is a new story called We Take Care of Each Other, and it's Tony/Peter-centric. "And you obviously aren't going back to work there," Tony added. She keeps running her hands through May 12, 2019 · AU As he nears his college graduation, a 22 year old Peter Parker takes an internship at Stark Industries working with Tony Stark in preparation for his upcoming role with the Avengers. This is Peter's POV for the most part, I do change it, but I specify to whom when it changes. I am, as of right now, unsure how it is managing to bypass the filtration system. Oct 9, 2019 · This time Peter laughed as they got into the elevator and headed down to the Avengers common room, as they were heading down Tony filled Peter in on what had happened before, he had to go "save his ass". And Pepper had been bugging him about both him and Peter eating more vegetables. When they both least knew to expect any danger Peter Park takes a bullet for Tony Stark. "Beep!" "No! No pinching bums or I will tell Pepper and take away your smoothie maker!" Tony warned. We Take Care of Each Other. " He dropped a hand to Peter's knee, his eyes watching him carefully, as if waiting for a reaction. He was in Mr. " Peter said. Can you tell me where you are?" "…Fifth Street…" "Okay, Peter, I'm going to need you to put pressure on the wound until Tony "Can you wake him? He needs to eat. "No laughter, got it, mmm hmm," Peter forced out, teeth gritted, a smile on his lips. "What?! No!" The Avenger's body grows heavy in Peter's arms, Tony's eyes fluttering shut, his face pale, and Peter has to lower him to the dirty, dust-stricken concrete. Something in the back of Tony's mind suggested that maybe the man shouldn't be driving after the adrenaline rush an active shooting would have caused, but that was the logical side of his brain and he just couldn't seem to focus on rationality when Peter goddamn Parker could be dying. He moved his hand to Peter's back, trying to resist looking at what the doctor was doing. " "It's actually 11:23pm. Stark yelling too and he thought maybe Happy was pulling Miss Potts out of the room, but all he could feel was the agony in his arm. Stark's chest, much to Tony's surprise. The fallout of a botched spell mixed with the Infinity Stones, leaves Tony, Stephen and Peter in Gotham. Sep 26, 2019 · Peter sobbed as he glanced at Steve, who didn't look as bad. "You told him not to talk. They're doing the best they can to stay under the radar, not doing any superhero stuff. " May 5, 2018 · He pulled Peter into a tight hug. , Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier - Chapters: 5 - Words: 14,834 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 103 - Follows: 86 - Updated: 3/30/2019 - Published Oct 9, 2019 · This time Peter laughed as they got into the elevator and headed down to the Avengers common room, as they were heading down Tony filled Peter in on what had happened before, he had to go "save his ass". " Steve eyes looked like Peter had physically snacked him. He" Tony finished his thought, taking Peter's face into his hands and turning so the boy was staring back into his eyes. Please comment and review:) Aug 4, 2019 · Hey, So this is my first Avengers fanfic, so please be gentle. "In here. Tony went to yank on the doors and found them locked. Thor did as he was told, despite Tony's resistance. Peter? It's Bruce, can you hear me?" There was another fit of coughing. " He felt Tony touch his arm and Peter opened his eyes slightly to peek and he could tell that just touching Peter relieved Tony so much. Tony wouldn't leave Peter, but Peter needed Tony to get out before he could drop the elevator. Everyone knew the amount of damage someone could do if they knew to do and Peter knew how to harm the servers. Aug 25, 2017 · What if Tony Stark adopted Peter as a baby when he had no where else to take care of him and then in the process changes his life for the better. " Peter ordered. " Peter whispers into Tony's shirt. He knew Peter could probably use two rounds today, since it had been awhile since breakfast. Stark, what are you Aug 23, 2021 · Or: How the internet discovered and fell in love with Tony Stark's personal intern and oblivious bean, Peter Parker; a part social media fic [ Peter Parker & Stark Industries / 8 ] Rated: Fiction K - English - Family/Drama - Iron Man/Tony S. I do not like your train of thought. "Mr Tony sounded absolutely terrified as he spoke, and Flash- a tremendous wave of guilt had washed over him at the realization of what happened; Peter had deliberately pushed himself in the way and taken the bullet. Which meant, Tony guessed, that he should at least give the guy a chance. The two men appeared in the doorway. Peter was by far the most selfless person he's ever known, even more so than Steve. "What is it?" Loki answered slowly. " Pushing Peter in first, Tony slid inside the car and shut the door. Peter would never, ever trade any of this for anything. Coda: Peter calls Tony dad. That must be the reason why Tony wasn't infected yet. During the Avengers watch on him, he had to live in Avengers Towers. Anyways, love the Marvel fandom, always have. He wouldn't put it past the kid to take a bullet for someone. The elevator doors opened, and Peter and Tony walked out to see all the Avengers and former Avengers sitting in awkward silence in the living Happy, who was, thankfully, unharmed, gave him a ride to the hospital. "He went off plan. Tony rolled his eyes. It was an easy trade. An alarm in the Avengers' Tower is generally met with a wide range of reactions. Peter cast a glance upwards as well. "Dumm-e! No! Bad touch!" Tony scolded the bot who beeped sadly and whizzed around to hide behind Bucky. Please enjoy my little bit of superfamily! Dark. Basically, I have the Peter nodded, sending tiny firecrackers up his skull. Tony and Peter sit at their respective workbenches in silence. Finally Peter felt in control of his emotions enough to pull away from his resting position on Tony's chest and wipe at his runny nose. With his free hand Tony latched back onto the arm Peter was moving up to his injured shoulder. But even if you do, we can always have it cleaned, or scrap it. His sobs are dry and painful, scraping through every part of his throat. I really am. "Peter?" He was beginning to get worried. He could take off the helmet and put it on Peter. " I smirk. Banner?" "Yeah, bud, it's me. Jul 12, 2020 · There are consequences for Peter's ordeal at Ross and Thuri's hands. "Doctor please can you take us home. The living room was so crowded, filled with laughter and comments as Peter watched the whole team assembled. Sam appeared beside Tony and Peter, sharing Tony's sentiments exactly. Sure, Tony would die, but Peter would be okay. Of course, they devolve into a full blown argument. "I'm I'm so sorry Peter. Then there was chaos, everyone screaming and Mr. It didn't take long before another presence joined him on the roof. The guilt ate at him like maggots in a bullet wound. But we found you. " Tony introduced, ruffling said teen's hair much to his displeasure. Why wouldn't he speak? Natasha sounded amused. Everyone else was somewhere doing who knows what. Their bodies are younger than when they left. " Oh. Tony wasn't sure what happened but soon the gunman was down and a small voice met his ears, shaky and thin. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 4,105 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 237 - Follows: 83 - Published: 8 Tony ignored Steve and looked at Peter "Can you do it? Can you listen to me for once?" Peter gave a small nod "Don't move an inch and prove me that you do listen to me" a stony glare carved into Tony's eyes making Peter shiver with fear "Am I clear?" "Yes Mr. The elevator doors opened, and Peter and Tony walked out to see all the Avengers and former Avengers sitting in awkward silence in the living Tony shot Bucky a somewhat apologetic grin as they grumbled as took a step back and Bucky was helpless not to smile back slightly. " "No, this is good. Underage; Peter Parker/Tony Stark; Tony Stark; Peter Parker; Tony Stark Has A Heart; Peter Parker Needs a Hug; Summary. And then he was no longer on the ground. "He was too hot. Tony is wet, Peter realizes after a long second. Peter shook his head. Tony carried Peter home where he would keep him. Julian would still be around and with his family. "Uh … we should go inside and explain. Jun 26, 2023 · AKA: the story where Peter uses the Time Stone to go back in time to try and save Tony. He carefully tied Peter's hands together for precaution so peter wouldn't hurt himself. " Peter chokes back a sob and Tony takes him in his arms. Bruce looked around to see the grounds too crowded. He knows he's grown up and wouldn't have a problem fending off for himself, but he wasn't against the idea of staying with Tony when they suggested, not when Peter really hates being alone for too long. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Tony should have asked Peter to stay home. " "Peter. Peter's hiccupped sentences broke down into tears and he sobbed into Tony's shirt while Tony made quiet soothing noises and rubbed Peter's back. "Can't say he will. "Morning… if it is morning. Some people, like Natasha and Steve, get Aunt and Uncle. " Steve offered. , Iron Man/Tony S. "Do not reset your own shoulder on the sidewalk. "I knew he wouldn't be ready for the outside Aug 9, 2021 · This is a new story called We Take Care of Each Other, and it's Tony/Peter-centric. "Thor, grab Tony and throw him to Cap, then get out yourself. " Natasha told him. "You're bleeding heavily, and the bullet is still in your arm. "If I did die then, I would die knowing that you knew I loved you. Tony and the others ran to the server room door. " Tony turned around and left not even waiting for Peter to finish. "I can take care of it. Tony ran into the Parkers apartment only to gag at the smell. "I'm fine. Avengers Team Members & Tony Stark (22) Michelle Jones/Peter Parker (21) Steve Rogers & Tony Stark (20) Include Additional Tags Peter Parker Meets the Avengers (261) Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (140) Tony Stark Has A Heart (85) Precious Peter Parker (85) Parent Tony Stark (79) Peter Parker Needs a Hug (71) Protective Jan 26, 2024 · Tony asked. Hope you Enjoy! Tony fired, the bullet aimed expertly to pass right through Peters' shoulder and hit the asshole behind him. Tony is usually somewhat omniscient and is already moving before it chimes; Clint tends to groan and share a look with Natasha before grabbing a quiver; Natasha is on her feet and muttering to herself before anyone else has time to verbalise their emotions; Steve looks over to Bucky, glances at where Tony would be Peter hasn't met the other avengers, and his first meeting is when he accidentally sneaks up on Bucky; who promptly tries to choke Peter out. "Any the one who looked like he was about to verbally vomit all over you is Peter. " The scientist put his hands on Tony's shoulders. Peter moved silently behind Clint who is actively trying to listen as he moves as quietly as he can around the room. Tony asks gently. The man's head hit the floor with a loud bang. "You, smart ass. Peter tried to pull away, not wanting to get Tony's expensive suit wet with his tears. Unfortunately, Peter finds out it's harder than it seems. "But even so, I'm still partly to blame. " That didn't make any sense. Shooting a web up at the tree beside them, Peter hoisted himself into the air and took off after the helicopter. " Tony groaned and Peter just started laughing again, this time ending in a violent coughing fit. It's a slow day at the Compound. Peter should probably be getting better nutrition. "I was in the neighbourhood and decided to come check in on you. "Anyways, what should-" Tony began to say just as Peter's spider-sense spiked. " He asked Loki, fighting to keep his voice calm. Karen is Peter's only link to his old life, and helps him hold on when he gets low. Damn the kid was fast. Peter usually adds a Mister or Miss. This Spiderman is Tom Holland's, I do love the others, but I particularly love his, and the relationship with Tony. There's no music blasting, no tools hammering, no sparks flying, and certainly no talking. Tony couldn't really do anything else, he was too busy trying to process that a 15 year old kid who died and came back to life spent 5 years trapped in a stone watching every possible outcome of the The Avengers' eyes roamed lazily around the room and Peter squirmed in his chair. "The fog is able to enter the suit, Sir. A HYDRA agent came barreling around the corner, gun aimed right at Tony. Jan 10, 2020 · The workshop is dead silent. But Tony only held on tighter. Dec 22, 2019 · (Out of all the Avengers, Tony's the only one who gets first name basis with Peter. He should have brought his suit. Bruce quickly put a dab of vix under everyone's nose before rushing to Peter's room and unlocked the door only to not see Peter but an empty room, a bucket full of fecal matter and urine, empty containers of food, dirty clothes and a whole window with a crowbar next to it. "Don't worry about it. There are about three things Peter knows right know; firstly, he has been kidnapped, secondly, he can barely open his eyes, and thirdly, the Avengers are coming for him. If Tony had been there, maybe the kid wouldn't have been taken. Peter Takes Care of Tony. When Tony learned that the vigilante in Queens in sweatshirt and sweatpants was a teenager he was Tags. Rated: Fiction M - English - Captain America/Steve R. They hit the ground hard, Peter's enhanced strength knocking the man well out of the way of the bullet that he was sure was now buried in his shoulder. He then kissed his forehead again. It's going to take time and patience to bring Peter back to them, but they're all committed to help the youngest member of the Avengers. Jun 7, 2019 · Peter was trying to control his breathing and stop his sobs all together, and Tony was thinking of a way to stick it to the kids that were putting Peter through hell everyday. So, how are you doing, Peter?" Tony started walking around the room, picking up things and studying them as Peter answered. It's getting crowded out here. Peter opened his mouth to argue because he needed his job, but the billionaire held up a hand to silence him. " Then with a flick of Strange's wrist a portal appeared. I hope you like it! Disclaimer: I only own the plot. Sparks fly between the two, and love finds them in the strangest of ways. Peter has stayed the night, and will likely stay a few more days, with May out of town. Wouldn't the residents have a nice surprise if they looked out their windows now to see the great Tony Stark climbing up the rusted metal? But he needed to talk to Peter and this was the only thing Tony's clouded mind could think of right now. They were walking out of the restaurant, smiling about a joke that Peter had made when all of a sudden bullets were flying and people were screaming and running. "Are you still mad at me for turning you down? Cause I don't know about you Tony, but I'm pretty sure you gained a fiancé out of that, so really, you should be thanking me. He knew Peter needed comfort and support, and Tony was determined to give him that. "I've been looking for a new lab assistant. He should have never let Peter take the bullet. His smile grew.