I want to quit my warehouse job reddit

I want to quit my warehouse job reddit. Your mental health is worth more than minimum wage. Quitting a job is totally normal. When I quit my first job in high school for similar reasons and the nasty manager asked why, I said "because I'm watching Raiders of the Lost Ark and I don't want to interrupt that. But I'm starting to seriously hate my job but I don't know if I should quit and throw myself back into financial uncertainty. In my stocker job I was stocking boxes on top of each other and I was the only one. Current job history relating to my major and not counting previous retail: 1st job - 1. Today was my first day and im tired as hell. I arranged my life in such a way in advance where I could walk away following a bad six months 20 years ago. I'm also living on my own & paying all my own bills for the first time in my life. I enjoyed law while I was in college but by the time I got in my last year I started realizing I do not want to ultimately work in this field. You want to preserve your professional integrity and make a firm exit regardless of why you're leaving. Should I quit my warehouse job? Here are the reasons I should quit: I've been working for my employer for 20 months. Be very aware of your own mindset. Here's a pros & cons list: Edit 1: I really don’t understand how people can misunderstand my post, I’m not saying that you should leave your job out of nowhere, burn bridges or what have you I’m saying that if you WANT to leave your job and you’re feeling guilty DON’T cause after you leave people will move on. I had contemplated quitting for a while, after multiple HR visits. Talk to your Full Timer. ninja May 25, 2021 · Always look for a job while you’re still working so that you have something to fall back on in case your job search isn’t fruitful. I know it can be a hard and stressful environment. I used to do this. 5 years 2nd job (current) - 1. Let me give you some backstory: I graduated in 2020, and job prospects weren't looking great, so I did my best to apply for as many jobs, even ones that weren't specifically related to my degree or interests, just so Thank you. So I quit my job as a lawyer three months back. It sounds like you might be at that point. But I stuck with it because it's not the wisest thing to leave a job without another lined up. God only knows I’m not really happy with my job, but I can’t complain because they work with my school schedule and it’s pretty chill there. But part of me really wants to leave the corporate world for something simpler. Leave your new job that you hate off your resume for 2 months. So today Ive quit my dead end job. Since you got this job through a temp agency and it’s only been a week, I’m assuming you aren’t permanent. I’ve barely mentioned half the problems in the warehouse that i work at because i didn’t want to make this post too long. I was working in a warehouse for 1. You have enough on your plate as you are about to be an adult and trying to finish school. You should come back at some point with an update on your job and mental state + outcome! Would love to hear it. You shouldn't quit unless you have a new job lined up. I know it’s best if I stay here at least a year, preferably two. That's actually the longest I've ever held a serious job. Regardless if you’re on good terms with everyone Grow some huevos rancheros and take the job serious like an adult or just quit, don't go on a subreddit after work and complain about how you can't cut it in the warehouse cause you broke a nail and your little toesies hurt after a 10 hour shift. Now, people tend to give advice that validates their own decisions, so this is the part where I disclose: I quit my job in February after a year of being overworked and burning out. If you can't finagle your way back to your old job, assuming you'd want to, then just start looking. The only problem is it isn't really that practical to quit my job at the moment. i’m a minor, ondemand worker and i’ve been wanting to quit for a while now. What I would like to do is possibly look for an office job, maybe data entry or so. Sometimes it feels all the stress building from all the changes can be a bit much and I just want a stable job that pays good with little mental stress, maybe more physical like at my Walmart job. As in learning processes, equipment, or things like inventory, logistics, process improvement, or whatever the industry entails. More than once in my life I've kept looking for a new job even after landing and starting a new job. But then again, my HR is not always at the top of their game. I've had multiple interviews but I haven't landed a job yet. Most, if not all, people are actually very insecure but don't want to appear to be insecure for fear of what others may think about them. There so much to this situation. It is a quarter life crisis which was long time coming. You can spend those last two weeks wrapping up loose ends and doing the minimum. Reason being that I am going back to school August 1st, my last day would be the 29th, and I felt like it wasn’t really the best fit for me anyway (it was a barista job inside the Starbucks at a grocery store). Follow our guide to quit your job and leave a good impression professionally. The thing is, my job history has been kinda inconsistent (shocker). 6 years now, and never looked back. And you'll probably make some decent money A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles. It isn't for everyone, and for those who say that the people that quit are pussies, they should be having early onset arthritis and lung problems soon, warehouse is full of unsafe shit anyways, shit is built like the industrial evolution or sum. It doesn’t work with any of my skill sets, and my team is clearly disappointed in me. You’re the only person that can make the decision on whether you can handle what you have in your current situation or change and look for something better. But it's the way you do it that makes the difference. Took me a few months to find something better, and you can come up with a very surface level excuse when asked why you left. But the work was never steady. But walking upwards of a half a marathon 4-5 times a week + all the lifting can be exhausting. All my coworkers hate it and want to quit but most of us are new grads with not as much experience. 6k saved up and the rest of my money is tied up in an investment account. I've been noticing my job search and how unbearable my job is really affecting my mental health and I don't know if I could take much more. Then you'll have to add it and be prepared to answer why you are leaving so soon. I am doing my clinicals in U2 and love it. the economy is trash right now. Jul 25, 2023 · So I (23F) posted here yesterday asking about quitting my job without notice. do the bare minimum to keep management off your back, and soul search in your free time. I know better. I want to quit, but I wanted to find a new job before I do - especially with the holidays coming up, my current job will slow down and maybe give me a chance to regroup. If you can't stand another second at your job, then cut your losses and put in your two-week notice ASAP. I let my interest explore and found really like another unit (U2) and can see myself working there. It’s not like I decided to not go to work. if you think of your current job as a waste of time it will be, your job after 4 months should still be learning. I'm 23 years old. i was able to keep up with the job with online school but now i have to really focusing on my last year of hs and all my college stuff. If it's really too much you can find something different, but if these things help it'll change a lot and improve morale If you don't need the job, quit! I was in the same boat last year, I worked a retail job for 3 months, it was also only my second job, I hated it and quit. I read a few articles about quitting your job during this pandemic. UPDATE/EDIT. Some of my coworkers are exempt from the rules, some seem to be exempt from actual work. As soon as I learn something and then master it, I’m bored. Your mental health is so much more important than your career. Also, I don’t know if I will get another job if I quit. My back, my feet and my neck are in terrible pain after only 11 days of working and even though the pay is decent, mental and physical health should always come first. The reason for me is just the physical demands of it + getting nagging injuries I work night shifts too which can really mess with your body. With your experience, i can say with confidence you will find a job sooner than you think. I want to quit, and do something easier like cashiering, as it was my previous job and I won’t have to wake up at 5:30 every morning for it, but I’m struggling to land any job interviews. I only have 1. Not just because any job search takes time, but with the way I’m feeling now, I don’t think I’ll My managers were not there (one of my coworkers said that they didn't want to be in the same room with me, since I had involved HR in my resignation), so I said my goodbyes to my coworkers (didn't really trust them either, since a lot of things I had said in what I thought were private conversations got back to my managers for more ammunition Hello fellow day traders, I am thinking of quitting my 300k job to day trade full time. I work nights in a warehouse and it's making me miserable as fuck. That and I just had enough, and my life is in my hands, not theirs So I absolutely despise my job. I would take small steps to make your job easier, take care of yourself, get some insoles, stay ahead of your pain. The reason I'm writing this post is that I SOOO DESPERATELY WANT TO QUIT MY JOB, but I'm afraid ill never get another job again. They can fire you for any reason (unless you have a law or contract that says otherwise; I don't know where you are). If you really dislike your manager, and he/she is not providing the guidance and support you need then you may want to consider finding a new job. 121 votes, 96 comments. I do know of 2 people at my site that have requested transfers on multiple occasions but have been denied. In my experience most jobs are going to have their challenges, but the difference between jobs I've hated, tolerated, and liked mainly came down to my relationship with my manager, and colleagues. By any and all means you worry about yourself and keep yourself up if the work conditions are horrible then leave because if they don’t care about the conditions they don’t care about you think long and hard about it. When I've had a job and have been desperate to leave, there's not enough "doctors appointments" or "dentist appointments" to risk interviewing at multiple places, or hold companies against each other in the process. I don't *actually* want to quit my job and work at a supermarket. My body is sore especially my feet and back. If you don't want to work there, and it is affecting your mental health, then just leave. They said that was also the easiest way to get your schedule changed if denied. And recruiters wonder why I left my last 2 jobs just after the 1 year mark, and why I moved across the country after the second. Yesterday was just so overwhelming, I thought to myself "Man. Me and my brother friend referred us to a warehouse job and this is my first job. I was more content there for sure. I only gave in after 7 hours. One of them mentioned that quitting your job won’t solve your problems, it’s just going to replace them with new ones. I am struggling in my classes and I’m having a couple of mental and physical health problems I need to work on as well so quitting would be a weight Mostly because they pay well. Ive met a few nice people here, but most of them were dead ends in here. Just quit. In both jobs I've had salary and benefits, and especially with my currently job, enough to pay my bills and then some. It's not a good time to be changing careers, the economy is in a rough spot, and most places are laying off rather t I know Reddit makes it sound like le big funny to quit your job with some grandiose gesture and the letter equivalent of fingers in the air, but please write a short, professional letter saying you've accepted another position with two weeks notice. That’s up to you to decide. hi everyone, i’ve been on this reddit page since my interview so this is a bittersweet moment. ) dont be afraid of not getting a job. I accepted one of them and joined a new hr team. See full list on warehouse. If you coasting then you aren't doing your job properly, ask more questions, do everything that is asked of you and more, exceed expectations, find opportunities, to fix or improve things. I've been physically assaulted at my last 2 jobs and now threatened with legal action for refusing to commit a crime and be an accomplice to a crime at a third. I quit my job today. LOVED my job, my coworkers, the company values and thought I deserved a small one month holiday. do i say i’m putting in my two weeks? do i write The job itself is pretty easy and low stress for the most part. I just started to apply and look for another minimum wage job, internships, or just very low office level jobs for corporate companies to get my . 5 years. "At the same time, I feel like everyone around me knows what they want in life and how to get there but I'm about to quit my job with no plan or direction. However, I dread every day that I have to come into work, I'm constantly stressed (partially because it's a stressful job, partially because I have zero motivation so I always I obsess about quitting. TL;DR: You're going to fuck everyone else over who is a) a recent college grad/inexperienced, or b) actually needs the job. DO NOT quit. If you’re not, contact your temp agency and let them know this job is a bad fit and that you want something else and that you are quitting. Update: About three months after this post, I was able to secure two job offers. You walk over 5 miles a day and you will be handling very strong chemicals (you’ll literally have to wear a hazmat suit). If you can put up with it a little longer, then take whatever vacation time you have and use it to go on job interviews. Quitting to find another job has almost always been my best move to get my mind right and give the appropriate time to my job search. You are 17 and don't need that stress yet. " They don't. But those new ones may be more manageable for you than the ones you have now. I do this and my other job is a fitness model. I mean I quit my job after I found out my gf of 8 years was cheating on me in my eyes THATS a failure on my end. For years. i’m just not sure how to quit. 5 years… Hi, 32M, so I've quit my warehouse job that's stressed and drained me out mentally. Give a two weeks notice It's a standard rule to tell you're leaving in HR at my sort center (MGE5) told me 24 hrs. I turn 25 in March and for the past 3 years I've worked in 2 typical office 9-5's (8-4 in my current job, actually). I was initially thinking of having day trading as my side job, but after living a year of morning trading - work - nightly stock market analysis, I came to a conclusion that I cannot sustain this pattern of life. I started because the money was good at first, but later on the workload kept increase and the salary decreasing. Burnout is more than just not liking your job. Ugh, 3 years is my limit, too. The work was ok if it was steady. Jan 23, 2013 · All it takes is a successful year or two in sales (that's usually the easiest way in) with a company to work your way into a position you really want. It is not what I thought and I don’t do much at my job (probably why I became very turned off on this particular unit). As in no call no show. However, I've been looking at actual career paths that I am interested in such as: Real Estate Investing (you can find local real estate investing mentors on the meetup app). Couldn't handle my messy and unhelpful coworkers anymore, and the work was mind-numbing but tiring. It's a full time job 4 days 3 days off 8-10 hours a day. I’m so stressed everyday, and I’m clearly not good at my job. Luckily I got my job back recently as a rehire due to good work ethic and practice Always good to have this job on the back burner If a new job doesn't work out. Came back after a month, quit, and left the country. I've been saving up (about 19k in the bank). Spittin the facts as it is, this job is bunz in my own opinion. I bounced around for a while doing something new every 2-3 years and realized, in my late 40s, that I’m entry level at like 6 things, and all the well-paying jobs want you to be an expert at something with at least 5 years experience. I chose to not return. Best of luck to you. If you want to have a job where you aren’t using your body as much then you have to use your brain. It's nothing to scoff at, it's physically demanding. Guys. Edit: I do want to add that it is a physical job that will have you working on your feet for 8+ hours a day. I hate my job. YOURE EITHER PHENOMENAL OR YOURE FORGOTTEN. I dread seeing my boss. Here are a few recommendations on how to get out of warehouse work. Warehouse work is draining, I've been working warehouse/retail jobs for years and it sometimes feels like I'll never get out. " Also, here's a lesson for the future when dealing with people like this manager. I’ve been considering using up my savings to quit my job and have time off while hopefully landing another job in time before I have to go back to my Yup, after studying for years and hard work I landed a permanent position on my dream job. A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles. I had a stroke and nearly died, then my wife filed for divorce, then I got laid off from my job and couldn't pay my mortgage and lost my house and ended up homeless, all in six months, maybe a year. Not that there's anything wrong with that! My mom works part time at one. I worked at a warehouse Saturday, Sunday and Monday for three 12 hour shifts (never worked 12 hours) and was there for almost six months. I quit years ago and signed some papers stating why I quit and had to retire my badge and clock in card. Can you guys help me? Should I quit before finding a new job so I can have some time to think about what I want, or should I Turns out, I don’t want to work in U1 anymore. Have any of you guys quit in a similar situation and got on fine? Thanks I spruced up my resume a lot, applied to over 100 jobs and within the first 2-3 weeks i got a job (which i didnt expect to. I like it more than my call center job because this one doesn’t make me want to commit suicide. Don't even stress yourself out about this. But consider this, the time I spent at Amazon, I could be spending looking for jobs I want. If they don't want you there, they'll just do that -- and then you collect unemployment, which you can't do if you quit. 1. I am 25. I want to quit and take a break from a job until I graduate in June, but my parents don’t seem to be very keen on the idea. If you absolutely HAVE to leave this job, give two weeks' notice and go to work, and FIND SOMEBODY WHO ACTUALLY WANTS THE JOB to replace you. Im 18 and in college right now but currently the work load is easy so I was thinking of getting a job. I haven’t fully brought it up yet but I will most likely today. I want to quit so bad, but I’m still on the hunt for a new job. I've come to realize I just had a shitty, stressful day.